Josiah Willard Hayden Recreation Centre Inc

Foundation Overview

They've funded 246 grants worth $231,900

How Much is Being Funded?

Where is The Money Going?

How many Grants?

—Total Assets


—Total Giving


—Grant Median


Past Grantees 246

Name Amount Location Purpose Year
Adley Dennahe $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Agne Amy $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Aviles Jalessi $2,600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Beaudette Michelle $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Benson Anna $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2021
Boker,Hadar $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Collis,Leagsaith $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Decoste,Eric $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Frothingham,Li,Fen $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
George,Pranav $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Gillis,Brendan $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Gillis,Brian $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Hart,Sydney $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Heo,Jinhee $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Hong,Nuri $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Hoshino,Noah $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Hughes,Chris $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Jacobson,Finna $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Kim,Minjune $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Kim,Euhan $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Kong,Linda $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Levangie,Colleen $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Liberman,Brianna $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Mare,Silvia $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Milendorf,Jacob $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Murphy,Luke $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Murphy,Sarah $1,400 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Nahigian,Jessica $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Prasad,Megha $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Puskarevic,Tamara $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Rozenberg,Orin $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Schwartz,Julia $2,600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Spencer,Seamus $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Spencer,Summer $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Tu,Michelle $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Vernet,Beau $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Watt,Noam $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Whalen,Hannah $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Williams,Katherine $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Wu,Julia $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Yoo,Seo-hyun $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Siriwardenasenelya $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Kong,Linda $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2021
Adley,Dennahe $800 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarship To Lexington Youths 2020
Michelle,Beaudette $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Anna,Benson $1,400 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Hadar,Boker $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Eric,Decoste $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Natalie,Decoste $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Li,Fen,Frothingham $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Matan,Gans $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Pranav,George $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Brendan,Gillis $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Brian,Gillis $1,400 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Catherine,Godwin $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Max,Gusinov $100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Cara,Hughes $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Chris,Hughes $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Linda,Kong $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Colleen,Levangie $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Brianna,Liberman $1,400 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2020
Maxim,Mastyugin $1,200 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Jacob,Milendorf $2,100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Chris,Morse $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Luke,Murphy $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youth 2020
Jessica,Nahigian $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Stephanie,Pagnozzi $1,400 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Megha,Prasad $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Tamara,Puskarevic $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Orin,Rozenberg $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Julia,Schwartz $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Jesse,Snyder $300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Seamus,Spencer $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Summer,Spencer $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Michelle,Tu $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Noam,Watt $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Hannah,Whalen $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Katherine,Williams $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Julia,Wu $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Seo-hyun,Yoo $700 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Molly,Zeytoonian $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Karen,Zhou $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Sarah,Zola $1,400 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2020
Rykelle,Adley $700 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Emily,Beaulieu $700 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Emily,Benjamin $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Sarah,Bernstein $600 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Thalia,Bowie $700 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarship To Lexington Youths 2019
Allen,Cui $800 Lexington, MA, US Schorlarship To Lexington Youths 2019
Joshua,Eibelman $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2019
Matan,Gans $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Brendan,Gillis $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Maeve,Gillis $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Catherine,Godwin $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Minna,Gorry-hines $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Max,Gusinov $100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Cara,Hughes $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Nahigian,Alexandria $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Tamara,Puskarevic $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Marko,Puskarevic $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Jessica,Reamer $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Orin,Rozenberg $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Julia,Schwartz $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Jesse,Snyder $300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Seamus,Spencer $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Madison,Su $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Noam,Watt $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Katherine,Williams $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Robert,Wilson $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Karen,Zhou $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Amy,Agne $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Anna,Benson $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Hadar,Boker $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Emily,Eayrs $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Eric,Espino $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Li,Fen,Frothingham $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youth 2019
Pranav,George $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Collean,Levangie $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Maxim,Mastyugin $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Nahigian,Jessica $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Stephanie,Pagnozzi $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2019
Megha,Prasad $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Hannah,Whalen $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Seo-hyun,Yoo $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Zarah,Zola $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Amy,Agne $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Beau,Vernet $2,100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2019
Adley,Brice $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Adley,Rykelle $1,200 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Beaulieu,Emily $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2017
Benjamin,Emily $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Bernstein,Sarah $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Bowie,Thalia $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Brizard,Guivenson $1,700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Caples,John $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Cecere,Amelia $1,800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Choi,Jeana $1,800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Decoste,Natalie $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youth 2017
Decoste,William $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Edmonds,Matthew $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Edmonds,Hannah $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Eibelman,Joshua $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Fenn,Corrie $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Foss,Katlyn $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Fusco,Nicolas $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Gillis,Maeve $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Gillis,Teresa $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Godwin,Catherine $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Goolkasian,Gillian $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Gorry-hines,Fiona $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Gorry-hines,Minna $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Gusinov,Max $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Harding,Kelly $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Hersey,Dylan $200 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Huges,Cara $2,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Jayaswal,Armin $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Kristin,Hannah $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Lannom,Jennifer $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Lew,Hayong $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Li,Jiamin $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Lieberman,Matthew $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Ma,Frank $300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Mastyyugin,Maxim $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Millane,Cecilia $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Mitchell,Jennifer $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Morse,Christopher $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Morse,Kate $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Mulliner,Cody $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2017
Nahigian,Alexandria $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Puskarevic,Marko $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2017
Schwartz,Jacquelyn $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Scotti,Katherine $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2017
Scotti,Madeleine $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Sokolov,Rachel $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Su,Madison $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Van,Der,Weide,Sylvia $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Vernet,Alexandra $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Wang,Jessica $1,700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Watt,Jonah $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Williams,Audrey $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexingon Youths 2017
Wilson,Robert $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Zheng,Amy $300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Zhou,Karen $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Zou,Ethan $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Zuccaro,Daniel $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2017
Rykelle,Adley $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2016
Rahul,Ahuja $100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Matthew,Almeida $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Joseph,Arciprete $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexington Youths 2016
Emily,Beaulieu $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Mathew,Benson $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Sarah,Bernstein $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Guivenson,Brizard $1,700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
John,Caples $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Amelia,Cecere $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2016
Cameron,Chung $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Katherine,Daley $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Spencer,Daus-haberle $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
William,Decoste $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Hannah,Edmonds $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Matthew,Edmonds $900 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2016
Corrie,Fenn $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Katlyn,Foss $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Nicolas,Fusco $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Emilia,Fusco $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Meaghan,Gallagher-stack $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Maeve,Gillis $1,250 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Teresa,Gillis $750 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Gillian,Goolkasian $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Minna,Gorry-hines $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexington Youths 2016
Fiona,Gorry-hines $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Elizabeth,Green $250 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Ryan,Ham $250 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Kevin,Ham $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexington Youths 2016
Dylan,Hersey $200 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Caitlin,Hughes $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Leo,Ip $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Camilla,Isern $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Michal,Knara $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2016
Haohang,Li $100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexington Youths 2016
Jiamin,Li $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Matthew,Li $400 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships For Lexington Youths 2016
Matthew,Lieberman $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexingon Youths 2016
Jennifer,Mitchell $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Cody,Mulliner $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Prayag,Patel $100 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Marko,Puskarevic $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Amanda,Quan $700 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Jack,Schulz $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Jacquelyn,Schwartz $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Rachel,Sokolov $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarship To Lexington Youths 2016
Zachary,Strohmeyer $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Madison,Su $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Marina,Tiano $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
David,Tu $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Sylvia,Van,Der,Weide $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Alexandra,Vernet $1,500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Jonah,Watt $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Audrey,Williams $800 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Samuel,Williams $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Robert,Wilson $1,300 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Stephanie,Wilson $1,200 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Maeve,Wurtz $500 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Colby,Yee $600 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Ethan,Zou $1,000 Lexington, MA, US Scholarships To Lexington Youths 2016
Daniel,Zuccaro $700 Lexington, MA, US Scolarship To Lexington Youth 2016

Contact Information

EIN 042203700
Address 24 LINCOLN ST Lexington, MA 02421-6830

Key People (16)

Director Alan S Fields
Director Anna Monaco
Director Brooks Taylor
Director Daniel Busa Jr
Clerk Janice Whittemore
Executive Director Lizabeth Festa
Director Lori Campana
Director Robert Phelan
President Sean P Maloney
Vice President Shin Horiuchi
Director William Dailey Iii Esq
Executive Lizabeth Festa
Ice Director William Gore
Executive Secretary Sarah Allen
Director Of Recreati Roberta Sinclair
Grouds Super Thomas Connolly Jr