The Edward & Elizabeth Conner Foundation

Foundation Overview

They've funded 256 grants worth $764,200

How Much is Being Funded?

Where is The Money Going?

How many Grants?

—Total Assets


—Total Giving


—Grant Median


Past Grantees 256

Name Amount Location Purpose Year
See Pdf Atttached For Listing State $185,600 Various, NY, US Education 2021
Bondoc Alexis $1,200 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2020
Carlin Matthew $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Dunlap Kaitlyn $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Harrington Jenna $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Harrington,Jordan $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Harrington,Josh $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Gonzalez,Emily $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Ketzak,Jessica $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
La,Haie,Michelle $2,000 Davis, CA, US Education 2020
Mack,Jenna $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Montelione,Emily $4,000 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2020
Klecha,Mary $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Newman,Alexander $2,400 Sacramento, CA, US Education 2020
Pantoja,Maria,G $2,400 Oakley, CA, US Education 2020
Perez,Miriam $2,000 Goleta, CA, US Education 2020
Porada,Abigail $2,400 Oxford, NY, US Education 2020
Raines,Claire $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Rojas,Esperanza $1,600 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Savage,Taylor $400 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Whitaker,Eliza $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Landski,Rita $6,000 Martinez, CA, US Education 2020
Lipetri,Dannica $400 Reno, NV, US Education 2020
Mccoy,Emma $2,000 Goleta, CA, US Education 2020
Pavlovich,Marissa $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Arkaan,Kobina $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Button,Kyle $2,000 Binghamton, NY, US Education 2020
Darling,Kelly $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Dejager,Haley $4,000 Smithville Flats, NY, US Education 2020
Doller,Natalie $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Kirk,Jenna $2,000 Red Bluff, CA, US Education 2020
Lopez,Emilio $2,800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Lowe,Devin $200 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Parker,Emily $1,200 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Partida,Lily $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Ramirez,Gamboa,Marcoantonio $2,800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Sands,Alyssa $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Stracquadanio,Gloria $2,000 Binghamton, NY, US Education 2020
Ter-avakian,Arsen $2,800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Walrond,Lauren $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Brodowski,Gabrielle $4,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2020
Brown,Sophia $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Bullock,Morgan $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Button,Adrienne $2,200 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2020
Fergus,Jamie $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Fowler,Mallory $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Gilmore,Skylar $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Hadac,Isaac $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Hammer,Brock $2,000 Antioch, CA, US Education 2020
Hernandez,Maria,Del,Carmen $2,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2020
Jacobson,Emily $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Kelleher,Phoebe,M $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Klumpp,Spencer $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Lawson,Katherine $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Mccumisky,River $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Moxley,Claire $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Mulderig,Michael $4,000 Harpursville, NY, US Education 2020
Reinders,Jacob $200 San Luis Obispo, CA, US Education 2020
Rose,Samantha $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Sergi,Mckenna $4,000 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2020
Sharma,Shivani $4,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2020
Stroobant,Hayley $4,000 San Luis Obispo, CA, US Education 2020
Tanzini,Sara $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Trinh,Alison $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Whitaker,Brandon $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Abono,Emily $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Alocer,Zachery $1,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Logan,Barnett $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Borchardt,Mary $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Davenport,Alyssa $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Delacruz,Alissa $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Fox,Chloe $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2020
Gollogly,Rylee $2,000 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2020
Mateas,Isaiah $2,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2020
Mohammad,Roya $2,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2020
Stracquadanio,Valerie $800 Binghamton, NY, US Education 2020
Trifunovic,Alexander $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2020
Jenna,Acosta $2,400 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2018
Dylan,Barton $3,600 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Alexis,Bondoc $2,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2018
Race,Bentley $1,200 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Angelica,Calderon $2,400 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Matthew,Carlin $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Paige,M,Castle $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Kaitlyn,Dunlap $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Morgan,Ellis $2,800 Charlotte, NC, US Education 2018
Yamilex,Gomez $2,200 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Kassidy,Gustafson $4,000 Pleasant Hill, CA, US Education 2018
Jenna,Harrington $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Jordan,Harrington $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Josh,Harrington $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Emily,Gonzalez $4,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2018
Garrett,Hebbard $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Jessica,Ketzak $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Michelle,La,Haie $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Phoebe,M,Kelleher $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Alex,Mack $200 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Jenelle,Milk $400 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Emily,Montelione $3,800 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2018
Mary,Klecha $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Alexander,Newman $2,800 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2018
Emily,Olivera $4,000 Sacramento, CA, US Education 2018
Alicia,Olivieri $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Maria,Pantoja $4,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2018
Miriam,Perez $4,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2018
Abigail,Porada $4,000 Oxford, NY, US Education 2018
Claire,Raines $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Dakota,Reinders $200 Rancho Cucamonga, CA, US Education 2018
Mccain,Rowland $200 Oxford, NY, US Education 2018
Esperanza,Rojas $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Taylor,Savage $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Sierra,Turner $1,200 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Tyler,Unkel $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Hayley,Stroobant $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Zachary,Utter $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Mariana,Valdez $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Eliza,Whitaker $3,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Rita,Landski $4,000 Berkeley, CA, US Education 2018
Katherine,Lawson $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Dannica,Lipetri $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Emma,Mccoy $4,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2018
Rosalyn,Morales $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Michael,Mulderig $2,000 Harpursville, NY, US Education 2018
Marissa,Pavlovich $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Kobina,Arkaan $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Mary,Barchardt $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Kyle,Button $800 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2018
Megan,Clark $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Kelly,Darling $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Haley,Delager $2,000 Smithville Flats, NY, US Education 2018
Natalie,Doller $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Jamie,Fergus $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Skylar,Gilmore $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Jenna,Kirk $800 Red Bluff, CA, US Education 2018
Emilio,Lopez $800 Chico, CA, US Education 2018
Devin,Lowe $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Emily,Parker $1,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Lily,Partida $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Marcoantonio,Ramirez,Gamboa $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Cheyenne,Rich $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Alyssa,Sands $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Shivani,Sharma $2,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2018
Gloria,Stracquadanio $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2018
Arsen,Ter-avakian $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Lauren,Walrond $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2018
Jenna,Acosta $4,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2017
Lsmael,Alvarez $2,800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Dylan,Barton $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Alexis,Bondoc $1,600 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2017
Race,Bentley $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Angelica,Calderon $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Matthew,Carlin $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Paige,M,Castle $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Kaitlyn,Dunlap $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Morgan,Ellis $4,000 Charlotte, NC, US Education 2017
Yamilex,Gomez $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Kassidy,Gustafson $4,000 Pleasant Hill, CA, US Education 2017
Jenna,Harrington $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Jordan,Harrington $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Josh,Harrington $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Ryan,Hastings $400 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Emily,Gonzalez $2,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2017
Garrett,Hebbard $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Jessica,Ketzak $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Michelle,La,Haie $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Jacob,Ledford $1,200 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Phoebe,M,Kelleher $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Alex,Mack $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Jill,Mcdaniels $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Jenelle,Milk $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Emily,Montelione $2,000 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2017
Mary,Klecha $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Alexander,Newman $2,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2017
Adrian,Ochoa $200 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2017
Emily,Olivera $2,800 Sacramento, CA, US Education 2017
Alicia,Olivieri $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Maria,Pantoja $2,800 Oakley, CA, US Education 2017
Miriam,Perez $4,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2017
Abigail,Porada $2,800 Oxford, NY, US Education 2017
Claire,Raines $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Lydia,Reagan $200 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Dakota,Reinders $2,000 Rancho Cucamonga, CA, US Education 2017
Mccain,Rowland $1,800 Oxford, NY, US Education 2017
Esperanza,Rojas $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Carley,Shoemaker $200 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Leigha,Schultes $1,200 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Erin,M,Thomas $1,200 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Taylor,Savage $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Sierra,Turner $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Tyler,Unkel $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Hayley,Stroobant $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Zachary,Utter $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Mariana,Valdez $2,400 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Eliza,Whitaker $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Rita,Landski $2,000 Berkeley, CA, US Education 2017
Katherine,Lawson $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Dannica,Lipetri $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Emma,Mccoy $2,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2017
Rosalyn,Morales $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2017
Michael,Mulderig $800 Harpursville, NY, US Education 2017
Marissa,Pavlovich $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2017
Jenna,Acosta $2,400 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2016
Nicholas,Adams $600 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Lsmael,Alvarez $4,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Bruce,Babcock,Jr $400 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Dylan,Barton $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Alexis,Bondoc $800 Ashland, OR, US Education 2016
Tiffany,Borst $1,000 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2016
Alexis,Budine $2,400 Lexington, KY, US Education 2016
Angelica,Calderon $2,800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Matthew,Carlin $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Paige,M,Castle $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Emily,Clark $400 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Christina,Davis $2,400 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Kaitlyn,Dunlap $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Kaleigh,Dunlap $2,400 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Morgan,Ellis $4,000 Willet, NY, US Education 2016
Yamilex,Gomez $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Kassidy,Gustafson $4,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2016
Jenna,Harrington $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Jordan,Harrington $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Josh,Harrington $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Ryan,Hastings $4,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Josh,Heally $600 San Jose, CA, US Education 2016
Garrett,Hebbard $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Stephanie,Johnson $1,200 Grahamsville, NY, US Education 2016
Michelle,La,Haie $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Jacob,Ledford $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Nicole,Long $400 Concord, CA, US Education 2016
Alex,Mack $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Jill,Mcdaniels $4,000 Utica, NY, US Education 2016
Jenelle,Milk $2,800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Emily,Montelione $800 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2016
Laura,Montelione $200 Chenango Forks, NY, US Education 2016
Alexander,Newman $2,000 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2016
Adrian,Ochoa $1,800 Discovery Bay, CA, US Education 2016
Emily,Olivera $2,200 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Alicia,Olivieri $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Maria,Pantoja $2,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2016
Miriam,Perez $2,000 Santa Barbara, CA, US Education 2016
Abigail,Porada $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Claire,Raines $800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Lydia,Reagan $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Dakota,Reinders $800 Oakley, CA, US Education 2016
Mccain,Rowland $800 Oxford, NY, US Education 2016
Alexis,Ruano $1,000 Oakley, CA, US Education 2016
Carley,Shoemaker $1,600 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Leigha,Schultes $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Erin,M,Thomas $2,000 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Rachel,Turner $400 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Sierra,Turner $2,200 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Tyler,Unkel $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Makayla,Utter $1,200 Smithville Flats, NY, US Education 2016
Zachary,Utter $800 Greene, NY, US Education 2016
Mariana,Valdez $2,800 Brentwood, CA, US Education 2016
Eliza,Whitaker $2,000 Greene, NY, US Education 2016

Contact Information

EIN 946131053
Address 4888 THOMAS RD Sebastopol, CA 95472-9764

Key People (9)

Past,President Kathleen Conner
Vice,President Timothy B Conner
Board,Member Catherine Ann Conner
Treasurer Samuel B Parker
Secretary Morgan Conner
President Sydney Conner
Cfo Sarah T Conner
Board Member Rebecca Conner
Board Member Abigail Conner